HomeBank is able to import one or several downloaded statements from your bank or credit card, or maybe exported from some other programs, in the following formats:
Recommended: .OFX or .QFX
(Sometimes named Money™ or Quicken™)
Supported: .QIF
(Common Quicken™ file)
Advanced users only: .CSV
(format is specific to HomeBank, see the documentation)
There is a UI limitation on the number of account you can import here, as there is no scrollbar on GtkAssistant, so you may need to split your import file.
From the main window:
then you will be guided you through the different steps for importing the files
You can again drop some files here, or use the +/- button to pick up some files to import.
For each account, you will be able to select what to import with several option, depending on the format.
where xxxxxx will be this file or this account. If you put the mouse over it, you will get some information on a tooltip: Name, Number, File, Encoding.
Except for .CSV, HomeBank will try to match the account by its number at first, then by its name.
For this to work, of course the number (for OFX) or name (for OFX/QIF) into HomeBank must be a substring
or exact string of what it is into the file to import. For example:
if your account number is 1234 and the number into the file is 1111 666 1234 77 it should match and preset
the target account for you.
If the file do not contains any reliable account information, you will get a icon right to the target account dropdown.
Depending on the format, you will have several option, similar to the one you have configured into the preferences.
Into this listview will be displayed all the transaction for the current file/account. You can check/uncheck each transaction one by one or select all, none, invert option, and valid to uncheck again possible duplicate.
By default, HomeBank will detect exact duplicate (within the current import), and depending on the target account, the similar transaction into the target account, uncheck them for import and mark them with a icon.
Possible duplicate note:
If the file is an OFX/QFX file, the FITID will be used, identical FITID means a duplicate (since 5.5.1).
Otherwise a simple comparison of value: date, amount, memo, payee and category identical means a duplicate.
This section will be showed for transaction suspected to already exists. You can also change the date gap here. The similar detection refresh when you change the target account or the date gap.
The detection of similar transaction is done in the following order, according to the date gap (default is 0 days = exact).
At last, the synthesis of what is to be imported, for each account.